Rom of the Reds sneak peek and preview.

There’s quite a buzz surrounding the release of Rom of the Reds which is due out in early July. 

John Wagner and Alan Grant have written a wonderful script and the excitement gathering around these two legends collaborating together is justified. To be able to draw this is an honour, if a little daunting. I hope I can do them justice.

There have been a few preview articles which have been very flattering so I thought I’d share them. If only to boost my ego. 

Well who wouldn’t.

Down the Tubes preview. 

Big Comic Page.

Comics Anonymous

100% Biodegradable issue 8 cover.

Here’s the cover for the up and coming issue of 100% Biodegradable due out in March. 

It was an enjoyable piece to do as the reference material happens to be one of my favourite tipples. The story is by Chris Sides and was incredibly fun to draw.

This issue is a cracker so keep your eyes peeled to the site for more info.

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